Boilers, steam apparatus and other pressure vessels may be insured on its own through the Boiler Explosion policy. A boiler stores up substantial energy, which on being released by explosion, can cause extensive damage and sometimes bodily injury.

Scope of Cover

The policy is designed to cover explosion (the sudden and violent rending or tearing apart of the permanent structure of a boiler or other apparatus by force of internal steam or fluid pressure) and collapse (the sudden and dangerous distortion of any part of a boiler or other apparatus by bending or crushing caused by steam or fluid pressure).

Among covers provided by the policy are damage to the boiler or other apparatus described in the schedule, damage to auxiliaries and surrounding property e.g. buildings and machinery, liability of the Insured at law for fatal or non-fatal injuries sustained by any non-employee, liability of the Insured at law for damage to property belonging to third parties

General policy exclusions include defects due to wearing away or wasting of materials, buy top ativan online grooving or fracturing whether by leakage corrosion or by fuel action, failure of individual tubes in boilers of water tube, damage to Insured’s property caused by fire whether resulting from explosion or any other cause whatsoever, loss sustained by stoppage of work, loss or damage arising out of hurricane, cyclone or other convulsion of nature, any kind of consequential losses.


  • Particulars of cover liability and exclusion given above are not complete or exhaustive.
  • Our nearest Branch Office may be approached for complete details.